Happy Father's Day!
Have you ever been working on something for a gift for someone and at the very end it did not turn out the way you had wanted and you are literally down to the day of. Well that happened to me last night. My little guy and I had been working on a project for my Husband for Father's Day and it just didn't turn out. Jesse was so bummed. He really wanted to give his dad multiple gifts this year since he had done most of the work.
Quick on my feet I looked around at what my husband calls "my personal craft store" to see what else we could quickly whip up. I had spied a box of picture frames that I have set aside for gifts and projects. All the sudden a little light bulb went off in my head.
I paged through my book of quotes that I have been collecting, picked out the perfect one and hopped onto the computer. I set up the text the way I wanted it printing it in a light color that was easy to color over. After I printed it out I took my metallic markers and traced over all lettering. I chose certain words to decorate a little differently with different font type and color. I printed it on 8x11 glossy photo paper trimmed it to size and placed it behind the hand print and securing it in with the frame backing.
If you are one of those people that have awesome penmanship you could probably skip the whole process of laying out your text on the computer and printing it out. The whole process for me took 25-30 min. Now that it's finished I think this is a better gift than the original.
We always love to hear from our readers. Have you ever had a last minute gift to make.
Happy Crafting!
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